Friday, 25 January 2013

Shout to the Lord

My Jesus, my Savior Lord
 there is none like You.
 All of my days
 I want to praise the wonders
 of Your mighty love.

My comfort, my shelter.
 Tower of refuge & strength.
Let ev’ry breath
All that I am
 never cease to worship you.


Shout to the Lord,
All the earth let us sing
Power & Majesty,
 praise to the King.

Mountains bow down
and the seas will roar
at the sound of Your name.
I sing for joy
at the work of Your hands.

Forever I’ll love You,
Forever I’ll stand.
Nothing compares to the promise
 I have in You.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

PKJ 124 - Di Saat ini kau butuh Tuhan

PKJ 124 (1)

In times like these you need a Saviour,
In times like these you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.

PKJ 124 (2)
This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One;
This Rock is Jesus The only One!
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.

PKJ 136 - In the stars His handiwork / He's everything to me

PKJ 136 (1)
In the stars His handiwork I see,
On the wind He speaks with majesty,
Though He ruleth over land and sea,
What is that to me?

PKJ 136 (2)
I will celebrate Nativity
For it has a place in history
Sure, He came to set His people free
What is that to me?

PKJ 136 (3)
Till by faith I met Him face to face
And I felt the wonder of His grace,
Then I knew that He was more than just a
God who didn't care,
That lived a way out there and

PKJ 136 (4)
Now He walks beside me day by day,
Ever watching o'er me lest I stray,
Helping me to find that narrow way,
He's everything to me.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Sebab Tuhan Baik (For the Lord is Good)

For the Lord is good (1)
Masuk gerbangNya bersukur dengan penuh pujian,
Bersuka di hadiratNya, nyanyi besarkan agung namaNya.
Puji Dia tiuplah sangkakala, musik dan tarian
Semua mahluk di bumi di surga dengan sgnap hati angkat pujian

Sebab Tuhan baik sebab Tuhan baik sebab Tuhan baik anugrahNya kekal selamanya.
Sebabgrah Nya kekal sela lamanya.
Sebab Tuhan baik, anugrahNya kekal selamanya.

For the Lord is good (2)
Yesus Kristus Allah Tuhanku pencipta sgalanya:
Datang sujud di hadapanNya, angkat tanganmu naikkan pujian.

Puji Dia tiuplah sangkakala, musik dan tarian
Semua mahluk di bumi di surga dengan sgnap hati angkat pujian

Change my heart, O God

Ubah Hatiku (1)
Ubah hatiku seputih salju
Ubah hatiku sperti diri Mu
Engkau Penjunan ku tanah liat.
Bentuklah aku ini duaku.

Change my heart, O God
make it ever true; change my heart
O God may I be like you.
You are the Potter I am the clay
Mould me and make me.
This is what I pray.

PKJ 106 – Satukan Kami, Ya Tuhan

Bind us together, Lord bind us together with cord that cannot be broken.
Bind us together Lord, bind us together, bind us together with love.
There is only one God.
There is only one King.
There is only one body;
That is why I sing

PKJ 013 – Kita Masuk RumahNya

PKJ 013 – Kita Masuk RumahNya(1)

We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him.

We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him.

We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Christ the Lord. Worship Him Christ the Lord!