Saturday, 22 December 2012

PKJ 124 - Di Saat ini kau butuh Tuhan

PKJ 124 (1)

In times like these you need a Saviour,
In times like these you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.

PKJ 124 (2)
This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One;
This Rock is Jesus The only One!
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.

PKJ 136 - In the stars His handiwork / He's everything to me

PKJ 136 (1)
In the stars His handiwork I see,
On the wind He speaks with majesty,
Though He ruleth over land and sea,
What is that to me?

PKJ 136 (2)
I will celebrate Nativity
For it has a place in history
Sure, He came to set His people free
What is that to me?

PKJ 136 (3)
Till by faith I met Him face to face
And I felt the wonder of His grace,
Then I knew that He was more than just a
God who didn't care,
That lived a way out there and

PKJ 136 (4)
Now He walks beside me day by day,
Ever watching o'er me lest I stray,
Helping me to find that narrow way,
He's everything to me.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Sebab Tuhan Baik (For the Lord is Good)

For the Lord is good (1)
Masuk gerbangNya bersukur dengan penuh pujian,
Bersuka di hadiratNya, nyanyi besarkan agung namaNya.
Puji Dia tiuplah sangkakala, musik dan tarian
Semua mahluk di bumi di surga dengan sgnap hati angkat pujian

Sebab Tuhan baik sebab Tuhan baik sebab Tuhan baik anugrahNya kekal selamanya.
Sebabgrah Nya kekal sela lamanya.
Sebab Tuhan baik, anugrahNya kekal selamanya.

For the Lord is good (2)
Yesus Kristus Allah Tuhanku pencipta sgalanya:
Datang sujud di hadapanNya, angkat tanganmu naikkan pujian.

Puji Dia tiuplah sangkakala, musik dan tarian
Semua mahluk di bumi di surga dengan sgnap hati angkat pujian

Change my heart, O God

Ubah Hatiku (1)
Ubah hatiku seputih salju
Ubah hatiku sperti diri Mu
Engkau Penjunan ku tanah liat.
Bentuklah aku ini duaku.

Change my heart, O God
make it ever true; change my heart
O God may I be like you.
You are the Potter I am the clay
Mould me and make me.
This is what I pray.

PKJ 106 – Satukan Kami, Ya Tuhan

Bind us together, Lord bind us together with cord that cannot be broken.
Bind us together Lord, bind us together, bind us together with love.
There is only one God.
There is only one King.
There is only one body;
That is why I sing

PKJ 013 – Kita Masuk RumahNya

PKJ 013 – Kita Masuk RumahNya(1)

We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him.

We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him.

We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Christ the Lord. Worship Him Christ the Lord!

Friday, 2 November 2012

PKJ 002 – Agunglah, Agunglah NamaNya

PKJ 002 –  Agunglah, Agunglah NamaNya (1)

Majesty, worship His majesty.
Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise.
Majesty Kingdom authority,
Flow from His throne until His own, 

His anthem raise, So exalt,
Lift up on high, the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King!
Majesty, worship His majesty.
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings.

Friday, 12 October 2012

What the Lord has done in me

What the Lord has done in me (1)
Let the weak say I am strong, Let the poor say I am rich, Let the blind say I can see, It's what the Lord has done it me.

Hosana, hosana to the Lamb that was slain: Hosana, hosana Jesus died and rose again.

Into the river, I will wade, there my sins are washed away, from the heavens mercy streams of the Saviour's love for me.

I will rise from waters deep, into the saving arms of God. I will sing salvation songs, Jesus Christ has set me free.

PKJ 103 – Carilah Dahulu Kerajaan Allah

PKJ 103:1

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, And His righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you.

PKJ 016 – Mari, Kawan-Kawan, Nyanyi Gembira

PKJ 016:Reff

Come on ev'ry body, sing a song of joy. Let ev'ry body listen to the happy sound.
Come on ev'ry body, sing a song of joy; Let ev'ry body hear it in the world around.

PKJ 016:1
Sing the love of Jesus, Share His joy around. Shout the pow'r that frees us. Come on ev'ry body sing the joyful song

Saturday, 6 October 2012

NKB 193 - I Would Be True

NKB 193:1
I would be true, for there are those who trust me;
I would be pure, for there are those who care.
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
I would be brave, for there is much to dare.

NKB 192:2
I would be friend of all the foe, the friendless;
I would be giving and forget the gift.
I would be humble, for I know my weakness;
I would look up and laugh and love and lift.
I would look up and laugh and love and lift.

PKJ 209 - Thy Loving Kindness

KPJ 209:1
Thy loving kidness is better than life,
Thy loving kindness is better than life.
My lips shall praise Thee, Thus will I bless Thee.
Thy loving kindness is better than life.

KPJ 209:2
I will lift my hands up, up to Thy name.
 I will lift my hands up, up to Thy name.
My lips shall praise Thee, Thus will I bless Thee.
Thy loving kindness is better than life.

NKB 83 - The Old Rugged Cross

NKB 83:1
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
The emblem of suff'ring and shame;
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain.

NKB 83:Reff
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it someday for a crown

NKB 83:3
In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,
A wondrous beauty I see; For 'twas on that old cross
Jesus suffered and died, To pardon and sanctify me.

NKB 19 - Dalam Lautan yg Kelam

NKB 19:1
I was sinking deep in sin
far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more
But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me
Now safe am I.

NKB 19:Reff
Love lifted me, Love lifted me
When nothing else could help
Love lifted me.

NKB 19:2
All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I cling
In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing.
Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul's best song;
Faithful, loving service too, To him belongs

KJ 40 - Ajaib Benar Anugerah

KJ 40:1
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
was blind but now I see

KJ 40:2
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The Hour I first believed!

Friday, 5 October 2012

NKB 141 - More Love to Thee

NKB 141:1
More love to Thee, O Christ,
More love to Thee!
Hear Thou the prayer I make on bended knee;
This is my earnest plea:
More love, O Christ, to Thee!
More love to Thee, More love to Thee!

NKB 141:2
Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest;
Now Thee alone I seek,
Give what is best; This all my prayer shall be:

More love, O Christ, to Thee!
More love to Thee, More love to Thee!

KJ 64 - How great Thou art

KJ 64:1
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy pow'r thro'-out the universe displayed.

KJ 64:Reff
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

KJ 64:3
And when I think that God, His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in.
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin

Saturday, 29 September 2012

NKB 126 - Tuhan Memanggilmu

NKB 126:1
Hear ye the Master's call, "Give Me thy best!"
For, be it great or small that is His test.
Do then the best you can, not for reward,
Not for the praise of man, but for the Lord.

NKB 126:Reff
Every work for Jesus will be blest,
but He asks from everyone His best.
Our talents may be few, these may be small
but unto Him is due our best, our all. 

NKB 129 – Indah Mulia, Bahagia Penuh

What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Learning on the everlasting arms;
What a blessedness, what a peace of mine,
Learning on the everlasting arms.

Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;
Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

PKJ 122 – Dalam Nama Yesus Kita Bertelut

At the name of Jesus,
ev'ry knee shall bow,
Ev'ry tongue confess Him,
King of glory now,
'tis the Father's pleasure,
 we should call Him Lord,
who, from the beginning was the might Word.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

NKB 128 - Ku Berserah Kepada Allahku

Verse 1

I trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea
For, come what may from day to day,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

I trust in God, I know He cares for me
On mountain bleak or on the stormy seas,
Thobilows roll, He keeps my soul
My heav’nly Father watches over me

KJ 36 - Dihapuskan Dosaku

Verse 1
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O! Precious is the flow
 that makes me white as snow.
No other fount I know;
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

KJ 53 - Tuhan Allah T'lah Berfirman

God has spoken to His people, Alleluia!
And His words are words of wisdom,

KJ 53:1
Open your ears, O Christian people
Open your ears and hear good news
Open your ears, O royal priesthood
God has come to you,
God has come to you

Saturday, 25 August 2012

NKB 199 - Have I Done My Best for Jesus?

Verse 1
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,
who died upon the cruel tree?
To think of His great sacrifice at Calv'ry!
I know my Lord expects the best from me.

How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the chained I've helped to free?
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,
when He has done so much for me?

Verse 2
The hours that I have wasted are so many,
the hours I've spent for Christ so few;
because of all my lack of love for Jesus,
I wonder if His heart is breaking too.

Verse 3

I wonder, have I cared enough for others,
Or have I let them die alone?
I might have helped a wand’rer to the Saviour,
The seed of precious life I might have sown.

Little by Little

Verse 1
Little by little day by day
Little by little in ev'ry way
I'm growing like my Lord, more like my Lord.
Since I made a turn about face,
I've been growing in His grace.
Jesus is changing me.

He's changing me, my precious Jesus.
I'm not the same person that I used to be.
Sometimes it's slow going
but there's a knowing that one day perfect I will be.

Verse 2
Little by little day by day.
Little by little in ev'ryway.
I'm growing like my Lord, more like my Lord.
As I'm learning about God's way
and obeying what He says,
Jesus is changing me.

PKJ 200 - Things are Different Now

Verse 1
Things are different now, something happened to me
when I gave my heart to Jesus.
Things are different now, I was changed it must be
when I gave my heart to Him.

Things I loved before have passed away,
things I love far more have come to stay.

PKJ 199 - Dulu Ku Tertindih Dosa

Verse 1
Shackled by a heavy burden
'Neath a load of guilt and shame.
Then the hand of Jesus touched me
and now I am no longer the same.

He touched me, O He touched me!
And, O, the joy that floods my soul.
Something happened and now I know
He touched me and made me whole.

Verse 2
Since I met the blessed Saviour
Since He cleansed and made me whole.
I will never cease to praise Him.
I'll shout it while eternity rolls.

PKJ 225 - Adalah Hal Yang Tak Ku Tahu

Verse 1
There are some things I may not know
There are some places I can't go
But I'm sure on this one thing
That God is real for I can feel Him deep within.

Yes, God is real! Real in my soul.
Yes, God is real for He has washed and made me whole.
His love for me is like pure gold.
Yes, God is real for I can feel Him in my soul.

Verse 2
Some folks may doubt, some folks may scorn.
All can desert and leave me alone.
But as for me I'll take God's part
for God is real and I can feel Him in my heart.

This Kingdom

This Kingdom
(Verse 1)
Jesus God's righteousness revealed
The Son of Man, the Son of God
His kingdom come; Jesus redemption's sacrifice
Now glorified, now justified
His Kingdom comes 

And this Kingdom will know no end
And its glory shall know no bounds
For the majesty and power of this 
Kingdoms King has come

And this Kingdoms reign and this Kingdoms rule
and this Kingdoms power and authority
Jesus God's righteousness revealed.

(Verse 2)
Jesus the expression of God's love,
The grace of God, the Word of God revealed to us;
Jesus God's holiness displayed
Now glorified, now justified
His kingdom comes.

And this Kingdom will know no end
And its glory shall know no bounds
For the majesty and power of this 
Kingdoms King has come

And this Kingdoms reign and this Kingdoms rule
and this Kingdoms power and authority
Jesus God's righteousness revealed.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

PKJ 281 - "Tiap Orang Harus Tahu"

PKJ 281:1 (Eng)

He's the Lily of the Valley,
He's the Bright and Morning Star,
He's the fairest of ten thousand,
Ev'rybody ought to know!

PKJ 281:Refrain (Eng)

Evr'ybody ought to know,
Ev'rybody ought to know,
Evr'ybody ought to know who Jesus is.

NKB 71 - O How I love Jesus

NKB 71:1 (Eng)
There is a name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in my ear,
The sweetest name on Earth.

NKB 71:Refrain (Eng)
O, How I love Jesus;
O, How I love Jesus;
O, How I love Jesus;
Because He first loved me!

KJ 27 - Meski Tak Layak Diriku

KJ 27:1 (Eng)
Meski Tak Layak Diriku

Just as I am without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidd'st come to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come! I come.

PKJ 219:1 Di Saat Ini Kuangkat Tembang

PKJ 219:1 (Eng)
Di Saat Ini Kuangkat Tembang

In moments like these,
I sing out a song,
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like these,
I lift up my hands,
I lift up my hands to the Lord.

PKJ 219: Refrain (Eng)

Singing I love You Lord,
Singing I love You Lord,
Singing I love You,
Lord, I love You.

NKB 3:1 (Eng) Terpujilah Allah

NKB 3:1 (Eng)
Terpujilah Allah

To God be the glory great things He hath done,
So loved He the world that He gave us His son;
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life-gate that all may go in.

NKB 3:Refrain (Eng)

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
Let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father thro' Jesus the son,
And give Him the glory, great things He hath done.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

NKB 213 - Saved To Serve

NKB 213:1
Saved to serve, oh list the wondrous story,
saved to serve the royal King of glory,
going forth His banner floating o'er me,
saved to serve the King.

NKB 213:Reff
Saved to serve, then let us bring,
Ev'ry talent to the King,
willing just to be what He would have us be!

NKB 213:2
True and loyal ev'ryday,
as we walk the narrow way;
living that the world in us
a Saviour's love may see.

For the Lord is Good (S'bab Tuhan Baik)

Let us come to His gates with thanksgiving in our hearts
and His court with a shout of praise.
Fill this temple with joy giving praise unto His name.
In His presence there's fullness of joy.

For the Lord He is good
and His mercy endureth forever and ever amen.
For the Lord He is good
and His mercy endureth forever and ever amen.

The Lord has done great mighty wonders.
Let's celebrate His faithfulness
and as His glory fills this temple,
let's rejoice give glory to His name.

To Reff

NKB 164 - He Keeps Me Singing

NKB 164:1
There's within in my heart a melody,
Jesus whispers sweet and low,
"Fear not, I am with thee peace,
be still," In all of life's ebb and flow.

NKB 164:Reff
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
sweetest name I know,
fills my ev'ry longing,
keeps me singing as I go.

NKB 164:2
All my life was wrecked by sin and strife,
discord filled my heart with pain;
Jesus swept across the broken strings,
stirr'd the slumb'ring chords again.

KJ 467 - If I have wounded any soul today

KJ 467:1
If I have wounded any soul today,
if I have caused one foot to go astray,
if I have walked in my own willful way,
dear Lord, forgive!

KJ 467:2
If I have uttered idle words or vain,
if I have turned aside from want or pain,
lest I myself shall suffer thru' the strain,
dear Lord, forgive!

KJ 467:3
Forgive the sins I have confessed to Thee,
forgive the secret sins I do not see.
O guide me, love me and my Keeper be.
Amen, amen.

PKJ 14 - I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever

PKJ 14:1
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;
I will sing, I will sing.
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. 

PKJ 14:Reff
With my mouth will I make known 
Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness.
With my mouth will I make known
Thy faithfulness to all generations.

NKB 6 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

NKB 6:1
Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
and with fear and trembling stand;
Ponder nothing earthly minded,
For with blessing in His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth,
Our full homage to demand.

NKB 6:2
King of kings, yet born of Mary,
As of old on earth He stood,
Lord of lords, in human venture,
In the body and the blood,
He will give to all the faithful
His own self for heav'nly food.